Yay, finally the first of spring! I know that really we are lucky to enjoy a pretty mild winter around these parts but seriously this day couldn't come fast enough. This winter just seems to have dragged on.
The weather today in true form was a little cold and grey, nothing like the beautiful, warm, sunny pre spring Sunday afternoon we spent in the much neglected garden. You know that early warm spell that makes you rush off and swap all the bedding back to summer sheets and pack away all your winter cardigans only to realise the following day that a cold front is on its way. I won't be fooled this year, I'm hanging on to my flannalette sheets for at least a few more weeks.
In the meantime we've been inspired by the coming of spring and have had a small shop update with more to come in the following weeks. I get the feeling we're in good company with our hankering for warmer weather as these beautiful summer dresses are selling like hotcakes.